Lead Times

Thybar Current Lead Times

Last updated 6/1/24

3-day premium lead time
Light commercial packaged unit or cataloged AHU
Standard adapter curbs, insulated curbs, non-insulated curbs, and vibro-curbs.        up to QTY of 5
4 to 10 days lead time**
Light commercial packaged unit or cataloged AHU
Standard adapter curbs, insulated curbs, non-insulated curbs, and vibro-curbs.
15 to 30 days lead time**
Light commercial custom product with  or without site-specific seismic/wind load calculations.
Light custom adapter curbs, insulated curbs, non-insulated curbs, and vibro-curbs. With or without site-specific seismic/wind load calculations.
17 to 35 days lead time**
Large commercial packaged unit or cataloged AHU
Standard adapter curbs, insulated curbs, non-insulated curbs, and vibro-curbs.
25 to 45 days lead time**
Large commercial custom product with or without site-specific seismic/wind load calculation
Large custom adapter curbs, insulated curbs, non-insulated curbs, and vibro-curbs. With or without site-specific seismic/wind load calculations.


*Lead times are based on business days

**Large quantities could increase the lead times listed.